Bak)1961年出生於波蘭。 在從1984年至1989年期間,他就讀于波茲南州立美術學校(theStateSchoolofFineArts)(現ASP)。以優異的成績畢業,並獲得兩個大學學位。
Karol Bąk (born in 1961) – painter,
draftsman and graphic artist. In 1984-89 he studied at the State Higher School
of Fine Arts (now renamed to The University of Arts in Poznan) at the graphic art faculty. He
graduated with honours and got two university degrees: from proffesor’s Tadeusz
Jackowski graphic art studio and from professor’s Jarosław Kozlowski drawing
After graduating he had dealt with
copperplating and drawing for three years. Then, for several years, he was an
interior designer and he took part in many art journeys. In the midnineties he
had started to pursue the oil painting, which had become his proffesion since
2000. The artist’s works can be classyfied in theme cycles such as "The
Sailing Ships Cycle", "The Dialogues Cycle", "The Cocoons
Cycle", "The Aureoles Cycle", "The Four Elements
Cycle", "Judith and Salome Cycle".
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