Van Herpen,出生於荷蘭,畢業於 ArtEZ 藝術學院, 曾於 Alexander McQueen 旗下實習,並於 2007 年成立品牌 Iris van Herpen。她跟別的設計師不同。絕大部份設計師習慣從意念入手,先繪圖後製作,但她喜歡把次序倒轉,物料先行。像她最近的作品用上3D立體印刷高速原型打印,一旦選定製作的路向就不能回頭,中途沒有修改的餘地,只能透過不斷嘗試才能試出最理想的結果。憑著其誇張、創新的設計概念,近年在時尚圈聲名大噪。
Fashion designer and 3D printing pioneer
Iris van Herpen tells us how printing and scanning technologies could transform
the fashion industry in an exclusive interview for our print-on-demand
publication Print Shift (+ transcript).
Advances in material and printing
technology mean that flexible, washable clothes are now possible, says Dutch
designer Van Herpen, whose latest ready-to-wear collection includes printed
“Hybrid-Holism” 系列款式。中間縷空的針刺,形成一個花般形狀,