2013年6月19日 星期三



Incredible Libraries Around the World
These pillars of higher learning are also home to some of the world’s most incredible architecture. Below is a small collection of stunning libraries around the globe. From the historical to the modern, these centres of knowledge and learning also preserve the history and culture of their respective periods. Personally, I would find it hard to concentrate in some of these places, they are too beautiful for the eye not to wander.

01. Library of the Abbey of St. Gallen, Switzerland瑞士的聖加侖修道院圖書館
 02.Annex to the Senate Library in Paris, France法國參議院巴黎圖書館
03.Benedictine Abbey Library of Metten, Germany德國的本篤會修道院圖書館
04.Bibliothèque nationale de France, site Richelieu, salle Labrouste, Paris法國國家圖書館,巴黎
05.Library in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil里約熱內盧圖書館 - 巴西
06.Library of Fine Arts, Milan, Italie  意大利米蘭,美術圖書館
07.Library of the Abbey of St. Florian, Austria  奧地利St. Florian修道院圖書館
08. Library of the Abbey of St. Florian, Austria  奧地利St. Florian修道院圖書館
 09.Library of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland  愛爾蘭都柏林三一學院圖書館
10.Library Waldassen Abbey, Bavaria, Germany 德國巴伐利亞Waldsassen修道院圖書館
11.National Library of France, Paris 法國國家圖書館巴黎 
12.The library of the Geographical Society of Adelaide, Australia 澳大利亞阿德萊德庫地理學會
13.The Picton Reading Room, Liverpool Public Library, Angleterre 利物浦的公共圖書館,英格蘭
14.大學俱樂部圖書館 - 紐約市,美國 
University Club Library – New York City, United States --Photograph by Peter Bond

15.加拿大國會圖書館 - 渥太華,加拿大
Canadian Library of Parliament – Ottawa, Canada—Photograph-- by James Gillard

16.加拿大國會圖書館 - 渥太華,加拿大
Canadian Library of Parliament – Ottawa, Canada—Photograph by James Gillard
17.耶魯大學古籍善本與手稿圖書館 - 康涅狄格州紐黑文
Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library – New Haven, Connecticut
-- Photograph by Lauren Manning
18.愛荷華州國會法律圖書館 - 美國
Iowa State Capitol Law Library – United States
-- Photograph by Tani Livengood
19.Suzzallo圖書館華盛頓大學 - 西雅圖,華盛頓
Suzzallo Library at the University of Washington – Seattle, Washington -- Photograph by Sam
20.阿德蒙特修道院圖書館 - 奧地利
Admont Abbey Library – Austria -- Photograph by Ognipensierovo
21.埃爾雷亞爾埃斯科里亞爾修道院圖書館 - 馬德里,西班牙
Library at El Real Monasterio de El Escorial – Madrid, Spain -- Photograph by Jose Maria Cuellar
22.何塞·巴斯孔塞洛斯圖書館 - 墨西哥城,墨西哥
José Vasconcelos Library – Mexico City, Mexico--Photograph by Aurelio Asiain
23.芬蘭國家圖書館 - 芬蘭首都赫爾辛基
National Library of Finland – HelsinkiFinland -- Photograph by Marj-Liisa

24.米切爾圖書館 - 悉尼,澳大利亞
Mitchell Library – Sydney, Australia -- Photograph by Christopher Chan
25.托馬斯·費舍爾在多倫多大學圖書館善本 - 加拿大多倫多
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at University of Toronto – TorontoCanada-- Photograph by Fadi J

26.喬治·皮博迪圖書館 - 巴爾的摩,馬里蘭
 George Peabody Library – Baltimore, Maryland == Photograph by Danielle King
27.斯特拉霍夫神廳 - 布拉格,捷克共和國
Strahov Theological Hall – PragueCzech Republic -- Photograph by Rafael Ferreira

