2013年5月6日 星期一

地中海溫暖的陽光:西班牙畫家Vicente Romero Redondo

Vicente Romero Redondo,西班牙藝術家,1956年出生於西班牙的馬德里。他從小就顯示出對藝術的熱愛,他的父母對他的藝術夢想始終支持。後來他進入西班牙最負盛名的藝術院校San Fernando學習並以優異成績畢業。他最初學習的是雕塑,隨後當他意識到唯有繪畫才能充分錶達他內心的感觸時,便把繪畫當成了畢生事業。在上世紀末,他和妻子遷居到Costa Brava,在那裡,他的藝術獲得了新生命。他那藝術家敏銳的感覺,終於將他的畫筆與中海的波光成功地融合為一體,作品如同地中海畔溫暖的陽光,散發著燦爛的生命氣息。

Vicente Romero Redondo was born in 1956 in Madrid as the eldest of four sons. Due to the work of his father, he grew up in many different towns all over Spain. The family moved back to Madrid when he was 15 years old. During his childhood, his parents thought he would dedicate his life to painting, as his caricatures of schoolmates and teachers were famous in every school where he studied and one would rarely see him without a pencil and a notepad in his hands. Romero achieved his dream: he began studies at the High School for Art San Fernando, the most prestigious art school in Spain (Salvador Dali studied there from 1922-1926)

