2013年5月26日 星期日

法國時尚品牌-- Thierry Mugler

蒂埃里.穆勒(Thierry Mugler)是法國時尚品牌。蒂埃里設計靈感來源廣泛,所以其服裝形式特多,從粗俗的裝飾傾向至嚴格的最簡式抽象主義都有,他常把將工業造型巧妙的應用於服裝設計,奇異的幾何造型為主要元素組合成的性感時裝是蒂埃里的特色。
1968年,20歲的蒂埃里來到巴黎,開始從事服裝設計的工作。最初,他擔任Gudule Boutique的設計助理;後來,又到倫敦為Andre Peters設計服裝;其後,就成為自由服裝設計師,在米蘭和巴黎兩地的流行服裝店遊走。直到1974年,他才擁有自己的服裝品牌。

雖然蒂埃里的服裝很難讓人穿上街,但是他創意十足的多變風格,卻緊緊抓住每個人的視線蒂。埃里也很喜歡以戲劇表演的方式來呈現他的服裝秀。蒂埃里承認自己的服裝設計元素有很多是來自於戲劇角色的靈感,他首先抓出人物的形象,然後再添加入有趣、性感且充滿感官刺激的設計,就成為Thierry Mugler獨一無二的戲劇服裝風格。

Thierry Mugler was born in Strasbourg, France in 1948. He made his first outfit for a girl friend at the age of 14. He joined a ballet company, the Opera du Rhin, then moved to Paris at 19. In 1968 he started working as a window dresser in a Parisian store "Gudule". He visited London and Amsterdam. In 1970 Mugler worked as a free-lance designer. 

Thierry Mugler is one of the few French designers to own their own factory, where dresses are made from prototypes perfected in the workshops. A good many of his designs are made to order, for the celebrities who make up his clientele list. In 1998, he was the first designer to create his virtual fashion show on the computer so that it can be seen on the net. 

Mugler's quest is always to shape a perfect woman but underneath this glamorous exterior, his clothes are very well-structured and engineered, and of course sexy. Angel perfume toppled Chanel No. 5 from it's number one slot in the french fragrance market in 1998. So in early 1999 Muglier created 5 innovative beauty products under the name of Secrets D'Angel. The range includes a face cream, two sprays for body, hair and face and two masks for face and hair. 

Thierry Mugler -parfum

Thierry Mugler Angel EDT-parfum

Thierry-mugler-angel- collector-extrait-de-parfum
Thierry Mugler ANGEL EDT SPRAY

