(with tvideo)
Kusama)因為患有神經性視聽障礙,從小就隔著一層斑點狀的網看世界,終其一生,她都在和疾病作戰,創作對她而言,就是一種脫離恐懼與痛苦的自我療癒,自10 歲開始,草間彌生開始以圓點為主題作畫,異常且原生的圓點幻覺,成就了她無可取代的藝術象徵符號。
自2000 年開始,彷彿一場突如其來的狂熱病,全球蔓延著一股普普風的「圓點點」熱潮。無窮無盡的桃紅色、鮮黃色、螢光系圓點,像是一朵朵妖異之花,以強悍執迷的生命力不斷增長覆蓋,蔓延至牆壁、窗戶、地面、人體、以及整個宇宙,令觀者目眩神迷,彷彿自己也成為其中一個小圓點,迷失在真實與想像的縫隙。這就是草間彌生所創造的迷幻樂園!草間彌生突然變成「點點女王」,圓點創造了一個草間彌生伊甸園。
Yayoi Kusama (草間 彌生) is a Japanese artist and writer. Throughout her career she has
worked in a wide variety of media, including painting, collage, sculpture,
performance art and environmental installations, most of which exhibit her
thematic interest in psychedelic colors, repetition and pattern. A precursor of
the pop art, minimalist and feminist art movements, Kusama influenced
contemporaries such as Andy Warhol and Claes Oldenburg.[1] Although largely
forgotten after departing the New York art
scene in the early 1970s, Kusama is now acknowledged as one of the most
important living artists to come out of Japan, and an important voice of
the avant-garde.
01 表現出創作理念~童心 |
02 .完全的融入背景,好像被她捉弄了 |
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05 Louis Vuitton at Selfridges London by Yayoi Kusama:
06 Yayoi Kusama 為
Louis Vuitton 在英國倫敦 Selfridges 設計了一家旗艦概念店。
一間極具夢幻感覺的概念店,也是全球7間Pop-Up Stores中最華麗的一間。
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19 一批頑童以水彩肆意揮灑的作品 |
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34 Louis Vuitton – Yayoi Kusama’ |
35 Louis Vuitton – Yayoi Kusama’ |
36 Louis Vuitton – Yayoi Kusama’ |
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39 Louis Vuitton – Yayoi Kusama’ |
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