「Wonderland」的攝影計劃,就是把她所有最擅長的東西︰時裝設計及製作、藝術、攝影及英倫美景共冶一爐,幾年間拍下一張張艷麗無比,有如仙境異界的作品。而且那些華麗的服飾,並非電腦產物,而是由攝影師所設計及製造,這是一般攝影師無法企及的特點。Kirsty Mitchell天馬行空的想象力實在讓人凝神屏息,由衷讚嘆。
Kirsty Mitchell Wonderland Photography
Kirsty Mitchell Most Talented Photographer, born in the county of Kent, UK that is known as “The Garden of England”. Hes mother was his English teacher too. Most precious gift she got by her mother was her imagination and her belief in beauty. Growing up, art became her only passion. During time she made two practices in the design studios of Alexander McQueen and Hussein Chalayan. She has worked full time as a fashion designer for a global design brand.
Today we came up with Beautiful Women In Most Amazing Wonderland Photography By Kirsty Mitchell. Her Superb Photography talent can be found in the various galleries and give us strong feelings, while undoubtedly her series Wonderland that we will surrender to the creativity, talent, stunning women photography and beauty that the artist manages to transmit a series to begin in 2009. Checkout…
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