2013年5月6日 星期一


這隻喜愛藝術的貓,名子叫查拉圖斯特拉 Zarathustra.

 Cats and Art

“Our life as Mews to the Great Artists We admire” by Zarathustra the Cat
Our name is Zarathustra. We are a cat. According to our assistant (named by ignoramuses as our “owner”) We are the best cat in the world. By the will of the gods, We have been relieved of our animal desires, therefore Our postprandial time  is given to the reflections on lofty matters. We are so gracious in Our enjoyment of repasts.
And We are also very very fond of Arrt.
Our main passion is to sit for the great artists. Only great artists can appreciate Our generous body and sublime soul:

