2013年4月1日 星期一

超現實夢幻自拍攝影–Noell S. Oszvald

匈牙利攝影師 Noell S. Oszvald 露出的作品並不多,也還不是很多人知道,但目前可以看到的已經開始引人注意了。年僅 22 歲的女生所呈現的自拍作品張力十足,超現實的陰鬱風格,讓人很難相信她才開始攝影一年多的時間。


Surreal Self-Portraits by Noell S. Oszvald
Hungarian photographer Noell S. Oszvald doesn’t have a huge portfolio yet, nor much is known about her – but the little that’s out there is enough to awe everyone. A 22-year-old presents a portfolio of powerful self-portraits, and one can hardly believe that she actually just started taking photos a little over a year ago.

Her photos are all black and white, because Noell finds colors distracting. “I feel the same way about clothes and other matters of appearance, which why I like to reduce my images to forms, composition and content,” she says.
