2013年4月1日 星期一

Alexander Safonov 深海奇遇創意攝影

這組照片是由俄羅斯攝影師Alexander Safonov創作,他是一位極其熱愛海洋的攝影師,並於2002年考取了潛水執照,而在兩年之後,便嘗試了深海攝影。他說:“鯊魚是我最愛的動物,因為他們結合了美麗與危險。”而在這組圖集中,你會看見許多他與鯊魚共遊的精彩畫面。


Alexander Safonov is a software architect from Voronezh, Russia who currently lives and works in Discovery Bay, Hong Kong. Not content to sit in front of a computer full-time he obtained a diving license in 2002 and started to experiment with underwater photography about two years later. He has since made numerous excursions to photograph underwater wildlife off Cocos Island, Fiji, the Galapagos and Raja Ampat. However his favorite destination is the annual sardine run off the coast of South Africa where most of the photos you see were captured over the last few years.

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