出生於巴西,現居美國康涅狄格州的Dalton Getty(道爾-頓蓋蒂),令人嘆服的鉛筆頭微型雕刻如果不使用放大鏡!很難欣賞到他驚人的精緻工藝。他用刀片,針,雕刻刀以及他的耐心,突破了許多難題,雕刻出令人難以置信的作品…
Dalton Ghetti stunning pencil sculpture
Dalton Ghetti stunning pencil miniature
sculpture, Dalton Ghetti was born in Brazil,
now living in Connecticut, USA, he used the blade, needle,
chisel, and his patience, breaking a lot of problems, carving out the
incredible work ...
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