2013年3月25日 星期一

純色之美---Andrew Gonzalez的插畫作品.

Andrew Gonzalez 的創作在顏色上非常單純,幾乎都用單一色調,在結構上透過重複性的線條,以放射或不同方向旋轉,創造出強烈的神秘主義感

來自德州的藝術家Andrew Gonzalez 1963年,生在一個充滿藝術氣息的家庭,他的父母親都是藝術家,但是他並沒有受過正統的藝術訓練,他的父親除了指導過他基本的繪畫技巧之後,就完全放任他自己去發揮繪畫的天賦。他的畫作大部分是以噴畫方式完成,作品帶有神秘的理想主義以及幻想的秘教傳說風格。(這些都是亞克力顏料噴在畫布上的噴槍畫作)

About Andrew Gonzalez
Andrew Gonzalez, of San Antonio, Texas, is an award-winning figurative artist whose work has been exhibited in several countries. Born on October 13, 1963, and raised in a creative family, Andrew's art education is largely self-taught. His artist father, Anthony A. Gonzalez, encouraged his early interest in drawing and painting but gave him no formal training.
In the year 2000, Andrew Gonzalez had the distinct privilege to work closely with the well-known Fantastic Realist artist Ernst Fuchs in Monaco and Austria. Photos of the experience can be seen at L. Caruana's website.

The paintings of Gonzalez are created with airbrushed acrylics on panel or canvas. Forms, values and highlighting are created by lifting pigment with an abrasive eraser, followed by the application of transparent layers of pigment. Influenced by idealism in the mystical, visionary and esoteric traditions, the artist describes his work as a contemporary Tantric or Transfigurative Art that explores the dramatic union of the sensual and spiritual. His work is akin to a revival of classical neoplatonic ideals centering on the figure as temple and vessel sublimed by transformative forces.

資料來源: Andrew Gonzalez Gallery    http://sublimatrix.com/index.html

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