2013年6月9日 星期日

夢幻的食物風景攝影--Foodscapes Series By Carl Warner

Carl Warner是一位來自英國肯特郡的攝影師,在過去的幾年間,他一直致力於開發獨具一格的食物風景畫。他以蔬菜、肉類、奶製品以及魚類產品等為原料,擺成各種各樣的風景,將菜肴變成了一張張藝術傑作。畫面顏色亮麗、富有層次感,給人獨特的視覺享受。

Foodscapes Series By Carl Warner

Carl Warner is photographer from London, UK and he created this absolute creative series called: Foodscapes. It's basically landscapes constructed entirely from fruits, vegetables, cheese, bread, fish, meat and more. At first glance you'll think that is a real landscape but it's entirely made of food!

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