2013年6月2日 星期日



Celebrities Humorously Re-Imagined as Classic Paintings
What if today's celebrities went beyond TV and film and were actually the stars of classic paintings? Several photo manipulators over on Worth1000, a website where various users submit their Photoshopped images, explore just what that would look like. From film legend Jack Nicholson and soulful singer Adele to comedic performers Steve Carell and Weird Al Yankovic, there is no celebrity that is off limits.

The images, often found in specific galleries titled Modern Renaissance, exhibit the work of skilled photo manipulators with a sense of humor. The playful re-imaginings offer realistic renditions (taking note of color, tone, light, and saturation) that make you question whether the real girl with a pearl earring was actually Johnny Depp...

Katy Perry

Amy Winehouse
已逝的英國歌手Amy Winehouse她那獨特的眼妝、高聳的髮型與身上的刺青簡直都根本人一模一樣

Jennifer Aniston
Winona Ryder
Alec Baldwin
Christian Bale
Jack Nicholson

Jake Gyllenhaal
Steve Carell
Weird Al Yankovi
Johnny Depp變身戴著珍珠耳環的鬍鬚大叔最搞怪

