2013年5月23日 星期四

玻璃雕塑--羅伯特.米克爾森(Robert Mickelsen)

Robert Mickelsen's glass sculptures are stunning in their own right, but they also serve as a reminder that sometimes, the real beauty is in the craft.

It's taken the 61-year-old almost 40 years of building his skills to reach the point where he can even attempt these highly delicate, intricate designs.

來自美國夏威夷的羅伯特.米克爾森(Robert Mickelsen)是世界最知名的玻璃雕塑藝術家之一。羅伯特的玻璃雕塑作品十分獨具創意,他採用一種十分具個人特色的玻璃網狀紋理製作這些作品,這個做法不僅保留了玻璃獨有的純潔與寧靜的感覺,這種網狀的玻璃結構也引導人用另一種角度觀察物體本身,賦予作品不同的表情。看到這些羅伯特用由歲月累積出來的精湛工藝技巧製作出的作品,不管是人體、動物、機械、花瓶、傘等都精巧地令人折服。

Robert Mickelsen is probably the foremost flameworker in America. Here he demonstrates a technique called "graal", where different layers of color are built up, (almost like a jawbreaker)

