2013年4月13日 星期六

還原梵谷真面目--Tadao Cern

雖然看過梵谷的自畫像,但是你是否也會好奇在油彩覆蓋下的梵谷真正的面貌是甚麼樣子?立陶宛攝影師Tadao Cern用攝影和PS還原了梵高的一副自畫像,滿足我們的好奇心。

Ever wonder what Vincent van Gogh really looked like? Sure, you can refer to the Dutch artist's self-portrait, but judging by the degree of realism present in "Starry Night," we imagine Vincent added a few embellishments to his personal likeness.

Thanks to Tadao Cern, we might have an answer:


Tadao Cern今年拍攝了一組非常有趣的攝影作品,他邀請自己的朋友捕捉他們被強風拂面的瞬間,得到的照片效果非凡,被攝者們在大風的衝擊下窘相百出。

A series of portraits from the project “Blow Job” by Lithuanian photographer Tadas Cerniauskas and his studio Tadao Cern. (admit that you were thinking about something else…) Portraits of visitors full of energy taken from life at the design week in Vilnius.


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