2013年3月31日 星期日

Laurent Seroussi的女性昆蟲時尚

攝影師和平面設計師Laurent Seroussi,結合人類女性美與昆蟲,以視覺影像處理的魔法,迷人的對稱的形式,創造非常逼真的擬人化昆蟲,這些擁有女性面容的昆蟲,俏皮的表達感性的時尚氣質。

Fantastical Insect Women by Laurent Seroussi
 Photographer and graphic designer Laurent Seroussi combined the beauty of the human female form with fascinating, symmetrical, and leggy bug bodies in this project entitled Insectes. The fantasy creations incorporate sleek female figures blending with the bodies of insects in extremely realistic and well-photoshopped depictions. According to his bio, "Laurent Seroussi’s multifaceted imagery brings together his background in both graphic design and moving imagery. His immediate work stretches the imagination with playful visual tricks and postproduction wizardry."
